474 ConnectWise PitchIT Starts Now
474 ConnectWise PitchIT Starts Now
The application window is now open for 2023. PitchIT is an annual accelerator program for vendors. It provides an opportunity for vendors t…
Feb. 9, 2023

474 ConnectWise PitchIT Starts Now

The application window is now open for 2023. PitchIT is an annual accelerator program for vendors. It provides an opportunity for vendors to pitch their products or solutions for the MSP space to a panel of experts and investors.

If you don't mind going off the rails to talk about football for a few minutes, enjoy the rest of the podcast as Sean Lardo and I discuss the upcoming 16-week of vendor competition. 

PitchIT is presented by ConnectWise, an award-winning Professional Automation Service (PSA) platform that helps MSPs with tools that help manage service delivery. Some of the key features of ConnectWise include ticket management, project management, time tracking, invoicing, reporting and more

===== Links 

PitchIT Application: https://tinyurl.com/mrx3b4bp

- Interested but have questions? Email PitchIT@ConnectWise.com

IT Nation Secure (June 5-7, 2023) https://tinyurl.com/5apwx8hu

IT Nation Connect (November 8-10, 2023) https://tinyurl.com/3t9ybjuw

News: Florida Hospital STILL using pen and paper after cyberattack: https://tinyurl.com/ycxp827s