695 Uncompromized: The Future of Identity Protection for MSPs
695 Uncompromized: The Future of Identity Protection for MS…
The latest episode of the IT Business Podcast features an engaging discussion with Ted Roller and Woody Reeves from Get Channeled, who unve…

The latest episode of the IT Business Podcast features an engaging discussion with Ted Roller and Woody Reeves from Get Channeled, who unveil their innovative product, Uncompromized. This episode highlights the importance of cybersecurity and identity protection for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and their clients, especially in an era where remote work has become the norm. Uncompromized empowers MSPs to offer a unique layer of protection for their clients' employees and families without the need for complex installations or monitoring

In this episode, Ted and Woody explain the functionality of Uncompromized, which provides identity theft protection, dark web monitoring, and internet privacy for individuals. They detail how the service allows MSPs to invite clients to subscribe easily, offering them immediate monitoring and protection against identity theft. The discussion also touches on the significance of scrubbing personal information from data broker sites, a feature that sets Uncompromized apart from traditional identity protection services. Ted and Woody share insights on the user-friendly nature of the service, its cost-effectiveness, and how it can help MSPs expand their service offerings while enhancing their clients' security posture. 

Key takeaways from the episode include the ease of onboarding for clients, the importance of protecting employees' personal data, and the potential for MSPs to generate revenue through this service. The conversation underscores the evolving landscape of cybersecurity and the need for MSPs to adapt and provide comprehensive solutions that address the challenges posed by remote work and increased digital threats.

Key Takeaways

  • Uncompromized offers identity theft protection, dark web monitoring, and internet privacy for individuals.
  • The service is easy to deploy and requires no complex installations.
  • MSPs can invite clients to subscribe, providing immediate monitoring and protection.
  • The product helps scrub personal information from data broker sites.
  • MSPs can earn revenue as employees pay for the service over time.
  • Uncompromized is designed to enhance security for remote workers and their families.


=== Show Information

Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

Host: Marvin Bee

Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

=== Music: 

Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

Author: AlexanderRufire

License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024


[Uncle Marv]
Hello friends, Uncle Marv here with another live video here in Boston at the ASCII Edge event and we are starting to wrap up day two, but I've got another couple of great interviews coming down and one of them right now is I've got the boys from Get Channeled, Ted Roller and Woody Reeves in the house and guys, how are we doing? Fantastic. Awesome.

Yeah, thanks for letting us come. Fantastic. So let me first ask, because I missed day one, flight troubles, not CrowdStrike related, but how are you guys finding ASCII yesterday and today?

[Ted Roller]
So I love ASCII Boston, I love the city of Boston, I worked here for six years, I commuted in, but I was here for a week, a month. The MSPs here are so far ahead in many ways of other MSPs in the space and they're just doing a great job. It's a fun place to be.

[Uncle Marv]
Did you just say the Northeast is better than the South when it comes to MSPs?

[Ted Roller]
No, I said they're ahead. Customers are pushing a bigger agenda in a lot of ways. The South is just more fun.

I live in the South.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. So it's been, God, what has it been? It's almost a year since we last chatted.

Does that sound right? I think so. All right.

So what's new since then? Because I see you guys poking around with some new stuff.

[Woody Reeves]
What do you tell us? We've got a brand new product coming down the pipe that Get Channeled is actually taking to market in the space. We believe that it's going to really enable MSPs to add an entire new layer that they may have never thought about to their stack and we're greasing the skids for them to be able to do that.

Okay. You've got my attention. It's called Uncompromized and it is not a piece of software you install.

It's not a firewall that you install. It is an identity theft protection, dark web monitoring, and internet privacy layer for a human being, for the employees of your customers, their families, whoever wants to subscribe to it.

[Uncle Marv]
Okay. Okay. So it sounds similar to some of the stuff that we already do, however, we're not installing an agent?

No. We're not doing any real monitoring locally? No.


[Woody Reeves]
What are we doing? If you sign up as a partner, which is free by the way, you get a portal. You can then begin the process of inviting anyone you want to, an entire company that you support, your aunt, who you're afraid is going to get scammed, anybody.

And they get an invitation, they sign up for the service, takes about 60 seconds. And then they can, they're immediately being monitored. Their privacy is immediately being scrubbed and I can describe that in a bit.

But from that moment on, they have a million dollars in identity theft protection coverage, dark web monitoring, email breach monitoring, and data broker monitoring. And that is on the human level. It covers them.

And it also mitigates a lot of the exposure that they have personally and are bringing to the employer that they work for.

[Uncle Marv]
Okay. So this is going to be more than, hey, is your password out on the dark web?

[Woody Reeves]

[Uncle Marv]
Okay. Is this going to protect like websites that they go to? Or is this just looking at their identity wherever it may be, social media?

[Woody Reeves]
So think about it a little different. It's a mindset change.

[Uncle Marv]

[Woody Reeves]
For example, when you get your subscription, if you are part of an email breach, a new breach, you're notified of it. Now, the public internet is also being monitored as well. So let's say that you refinance your house or you buy a car and you sign off on that through DocuSign or you run a PayPal transaction.

Our system, within about four hours, will pick that up and alert you, hey, your personal information has been detected passing through DocuSign. If this is not legit, let us know. It also monitors for other metrics.

If you get blood work done, you might get an alert that says, hey, your personal information has been detected flowing through LabCorp. If this is not you, you need to notify LabCorp. We also have a mechanism in the portal where you can click red alert and that notifies that particular entity that this transaction was not legitimate immediately.

So it's a very robust filter.

[Uncle Marv]
Okay. Now, the question I was going to ask is what can be done when you're alerted? Because my first thought is we did refinance our house and I've got people calling my business years later saying, hey, you're still looking for financing.

[Woody Reeves]
Any way we could stop that? So that actually leads into the other part. Anytime you have a transaction like that, that information goes to data brokers.

If you Google yourself, you'll find information about you and your family for sale all over the public web. Within our portal, we scan the data broker sites, which are freely available, and it begins the process of removing your data from the public internet, which is a big differentiator from any service that just does identity protection.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. So a service for the MSPs. Now I'm assuming that there's monetary resale value there, or is this something that you just say, look, we're doing this to you as a service because you need protecting in.

I'll take this one.

[Ted Roller]
Okay. So from an MSP perspective, you finally have a security tool that you can go to market with that doesn't cost your customer anything. It is free to them.

It is easy for them to deploy, and eventually it will be paid for by their employees. When COVID happened, Marvin, we ended up in a situation where a lot of people went home. Yes.

And they're still there. And they're still there. They didn't come back.

We all expected them to come back, but they never really came back. That home is not a place that the MSPs have a right to secure unless they're invited in. And then most of the time they're not, nor do they really want to go home and provide security there.

They don't have a way to win in that space. So the work computer is sitting beside the PS5 and all the other stuff that the family is doing that may or may not be secure. But at the same time, all those things are creating a far larger surface area.

So if you're protecting, if you as the MSP are protecting your customer's data, and you have the surface area of the people who have access to all the data, the surface area of the people who have access to some of the data, that's manageable behind a firewall. Not easy, but reasonable to protect. But when you're protecting a surface area of all the employees who are somehow tied to the corporate network, there's a lot of pain there and you have no right to go win in that space.

We are essentially, we built a tool that shrinks that surface area back down, that creates an opportunity that is absolutely free for the customer and just makes you less exposed to the losses that are potentially out there, to the damage, to the security risks that are potentially out there. To answer your question about the money, the MSPs who sign up their customers' employees for this solution, when their employees pay for the solution over time, the MSPs get remuneration from that. So there's a way to make money, but there is zero cost associated with it.

[Uncle Marv]
Alright, so let's go back to the logistics of it all. How does a product like this get all that information because right now, and this may be just me and my limited mindset, I'm thinking that all this stuff has always been on the dark web, we haven't really cared about the public web. But how do you get access to things like LabCorp and all of that?

[Woody Reeves]
There are literally massive amounts of databases that you can query public record databases. There's a lot of proprietary technology and it's just like everything else, it's not complete and it's not perfect. But pretty much every major transaction you can imagine is monitored and tagged.

For example, Wells Fargo, I got a notification a couple of weeks ago that I had opened an account at Wells Fargo. No, I hadn't. So I red alerted it and that immediately goes out.

The data broker stuff is, and I'm preaching to the choir a little bit, but I'm still amazed at the amount of data that's for sale out there and it's just freely available. The impetus for that entire piece was we had a CEO of a company that we supported came to us and said, “What do I do? My daughter is being stalked, her ex-boyfriend bought all our information, they have everybody's phone number, they have everybody's address and we didn't have an answer.

We were bugging the crap out of us. And this tool begins the process of automatically scrubbing that. Currently, if you want to remove your information from the data broker site, you have to approach them and request removal and go back and check yourself.

And there are dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens. Our system automates that.

[Ted Roller]
Yeah, so to take that a step further, you wash your car once a week, once a month, whatever, you get all the dirt off of it, it's going to get dirty again. This is the same kind of situation. It's never going to be completely dirt free, but if you are regularly washing your car, you will have a regularly clean car.

Same kind of situation. Keep your stuff out there, scrub it and get it off of there. It's going to come back over time based on your behaviors, but we'll keep watching it.

We'll keep scrubbing it.

[Uncle Marv]
Okay. So this isn't something where you can do this on behalf of a customer and show them, hey, you've got compromises here and stuff. This is something that somebody themselves have to sign up for.

[Woody Reeves]
That's correct. Okay. And we're building a mechanism right now where anybody will be able to go to our website, enter very small bits of information, maybe first name, last name, email, maybe a zip code.

And within an hour or two, they'll get a multi-page PDF report of everything that our system has found. And it's alarming. It's alarming.

[Uncle Marv]
I imagine. So is this live right now? Yes.

[Ted Roller]
It is being built right now. We are actually launching the CompTIA ChannelCon next week out to the world, but we thought we'd give you the scoop first.

[Uncle Marv]
So what you're saying is, Marv, release this before you release any of the others. That would be nice. So we'll get this out ahead of ChannelCon and people can sign up.

So I'm assuming they just head over to GetChanneled.com?

[Ted Roller]
Actually Uncompromized.com.

[Woody Reeves]
Uncompromized, spelled with a Z. With a Z. Uncompromized.com.

All right. And any MSP can sign up. Just go ahead and that'll let us know, put you on the list.

And as soon as we turn on the lights, which is very quick, then we get back with you and set your portal up. It's a matter of five minutes to get signed up. Okay.

[Uncle Marv]
There you have it, folks. Uncompromized.com with a Z. I'll have a link in the show notes and get yourselves over there and get started.

So this sounds pretty amazing, I'll say. Do you anticipate more stuff coming down the road that we could do with this type of service? I mean, because the ability to scrub alone should be worth it.

[Ted Roller]
So we think the ability to scrub alone is worth it. We think there are a whole bunch of capabilities we didn't even touch on today. That's one of the reasons to go out, check it out and figure out what advantage you can take of it.

But there are a lot of things in there for the end user, just a lot of capability that is there that makes the end user want to use it on a regular basis. We want them to stick around and take advantage of things that shrink their security posture, make them less seeable and visible, but we also want them to be able to use it to find out all kinds of information in their neighborhood. We will go down the road and continue to release capabilities and a really big capability we'll release in the future is the ability for the MSPs to actually see where threat situations are occurring that they can actually have an impact on because that gets them an invite into solving a problem that may cause their customer a problem later.

[Uncle Marv]
So to recap, for the MSPs now, obviously we want to sign up ourselves and get on the platform, but this is something that we can approach customers with, offer it to them and ask them to have their employees sign up individually. Absolutely. Correct.

So we're not doing it for them. No.

[Ted Roller]
Just to make sure. No. And by the way, if you have any customer employees at your customer sites who are saying, “I want to work from home, but I don't care about your security posture.

This is an opportunity to say, if you want to work from home, it is required to take advantage of Uncompromized. It creates a terrific opportunity to push out the security layer without absolutely demanding it. You just have to come into work if you're going to not use this tool.

All right.

[Uncle Marv]
And so for the people out there that are super nosy, is there a price point that could be mentioned that if somebody signs up for the service and it's a paid service, is that something we can announce or is that down the road?

[Woody Reeves]
What do you want to announce that? You know the pricing better than I do. I'm good to announce it.

What I will tell you is there are three different plans that the end user can choose from, $999, $1499 and $1999. Okay. Highest levels under 20 bucks.

You cannot go wrong.

[Ted Roller]
All right. If you look at the competition out there, there really is an MSP focused competition doing different things. You're looking $30, $40, $70 for the same thing.

We wanted to create an opportunity that made life better for the MSPs and the end users at the same time and the company benefited as well. Like I said, three wins for one.

[Uncle Marv]
So better than that guy that gets on TV and says, hack my social security number, I dare you.

[Ted Roller]
I hope so. Marketing is going to be better anyway.

[Uncle Marv]
Right. Awesome. Okay.

Well guys, thank you very much, especially for announcing this ahead of ChannelCon next week. I thank you guys for wanting to come over and say hello and I’ll have to sign up and see if we can get some more people on the platform.

[Ted Roller]
Our first demo account is right here.

[Uncle Marv]
There we go.

[Ted Roller]

[Uncle Marv]
All right. Ted Roller and Woody Reeves, getchannel.com. But for this show, you want to head over to Uncompromized.com with a Z. Guys, chat with you later.

[Ted Roller]
Thank you so much.

[Uncle Marv]
All right, everyone. We'll talk to you soon. Till then, holla.

Ted Roller Profile Photo

Ted Roller

Founder and CEO

Roller has over 30 years of experience in the SMB channel, first as an MSP with Oxford Systems Integration, recognized as a “Fast 50” company by the Dayton Business Journal, then as Channel Chief of Intronis, a cloud based BDR company, and as VP of Channel Development with LogMeIn, Inc. (LOGM, Nasdaq). Roller has been recognized by MSPmentor, the Channel Company, SMB Nation, and many others from his contributions to the channel, and his channel programs have won a multitude of awards. 

Roller currently resides in Raleigh, NC.