726 Business Reinvention Summit Preview
726 Business Reinvention Summit Preview
Uncle Marv introduces the upcoming Business Reinvention Summit featuring Dr. Carrie Johansson. The summit promises valuable insights for bu…
Oct. 17, 2024

726 Business Reinvention Summit Preview

Uncle Marv introduces the upcoming Business Reinvention Summit featuring Dr. Carrie Johansson. The summit promises valuable insights for business owners looking to transform their personal and professional lives.

Uncle Marv kicks off the episode by introducing Dr. Carrie Johansson, a key speaker at the upcoming Business Reinvention Summit. The summit, organized by Therese Skelly, is scheduled for October 21-26 and features ten accomplished women sharing their experiences and strategies for business reinvention. 

Dr. Johansson, with over 20 years of experience in private practice specializing in anxiety, trauma, and PTSD treatment, will be presenting on psychological flexibility, emotional resilience, and boundary setting. She explains that psychological flexibility is about working with your current reality, accepting it (not necessarily approving of it), and determining the best next move. 

The summit aims to help business owners, particularly women, who feel stuck and need guidance on moving forward. It offers a blend of business transformation and personal growth strategies. Dr. Johansson emphasizes the summit's focus on providing actionable, effective information that can be implemented in a reasonable amount of time. 

Each presenter will offer a free gift to attendees, with Dr. Johansson providing a mid-year habits workbook designed to help maximize Q4 both personally and professionally. The summit is free to attend, with daily Zoom sessions and the option to access recorded interviews afterward. 

While the summit primarily targets female business owners, Dr. Johansson encourages men to participate as well, noting that much of the content is universally applicable. The event promises to be an excellent opportunity for self-assessment and growth, helping attendees tap into their current situation and choose their next steps wisely.

Websites and Links:

=== Show Information

=== Music: 

  • Countdown: Fun Music, By original_soundtrack
  • Show Intro:  Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo, By AlexanderRufire
  • License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

[Uncle Marv]
All right, hello friends, Uncle Marv here with another episode of the IT Business Podcast presented by NetAlly and a little quick impromptu show as I found a big old notice in my feed for my friend Dr. Carrie Johansson is going to be involved in a nice little summit that I thought we should get on here, talk about it and see if we can't get some more people to sign up. So Dr. Carrie, how are you?

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
I'm great. Thank you, Marv. I really appreciate you doing this.

It's a lovely little summit set up and I am very excited to help increase exposure to it. Yeah.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. So let's first start by saying what it is. It is called the Business Reinvention Summit and put together by Therese Skelly and it is going to be, it looks like all next week, October 21st through the 26th.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Yep, absolutely. And there's a lovely combination of speakers. Each person is interviewed by Therese specifically to help tell stories about reinvention, especially for female business owners.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. And this looks like it's set up to do a whole, you know, business transformation and personal growth.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Yes, absolutely. And the part of why I was really interested in participating, you know me, I'm never going to be into victim mode mentality, right? Like I'm always going to want to be talking about, like, how do we move forward?

How do we work with what's really going on and improve our lives? And I felt like Therese's approach here is it's okay to have problems. We're all going to have them.

And how did you overcome them? And where are you on the next, on the other end of that issue? So the focus on reinvention is a solid one for the summit.

[Uncle Marv]
Yes. And it looks like there are 10 of you that are going to be participating. So of course, I know you, I know Cat Orsini, a friend of mine and some other great women on there.

But let's do this. Let's quickly, because I've had you on another podcast, which was not this one. So some of my business friends are like, okay, Marv, who is this?

And you're on my unhealthy podcast. And I mentioned Dr. Carrie Johansson. You have been involved for more than 20 years in private practice, specializing in treating anxiety, trauma, PTSD.

And you're out in West Denver at Colorado Therapy Care. And I mean, I mentioned the specialization, but basically you're going to be presenting on psychological flexibility, emotional resilience, and boundary setting. Yes.

So let's take just a quick moment and for people that are like, do I want to go to this? My first answer is going to be yes, but let's explain to them what you mean when you say psychological flexibility?

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
So psychological flexibility sounds fancy and complicated, but it's actually pretty simple. It is all about working with the reality that you have. And sometimes that reality is really enjoyable and is exactly, you know, or close to what you want in your world.

And sometimes that reality is not what you want in your world. And so we spend a lot of, we burn a lot of emotional energy and mental resources, wishing that reality was something different than it actually is. And psychological flexibility is all about harnessing the power of working with the reality you have.

And then answering my very favorite question, what's my next best move? And this can be applied to things as simple as stuck in traffic, and it can be applied to things as complicated as, hey, my mom's in the hospital and what, what do I do? So the power of psychological flexibility is harnessing the acceptance of the reality you're in, not approval of the reality necessarily, but the acceptance of the reality you're in, and then figuring out how to make it more workable for you.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. A great concept you and I've talked about before, the ability to just deal with the things that you can control. And some of these other topics in here sound like they're pretty, pretty nice.

I mean, both business and professional, you know, making a plan for your next move. Cat, our friends, you'll be talking about how to ignite your revenues with firework experiences.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Yes, very specific into growing your business and in ways that actually works for you. Yeah.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. So I'm going to have a link in the show notes and in the video page once we publish this of where you can go to sign up for this. This is a free summit, so it's a weeklong.

Yes, it's a time commitment, but it is free and you can sign up and then you're also going to be able to get links afterwards for the video sessions and each interview. So it's not like you have to be present or you're going to miss it. So if you sign up, you're still going to have access to everything.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Absolutely. And each presenter is giving away something for free and VIPs get a secondary gift. But just even at that free level of registration, everybody gets a free gift.

Mine is actually a mid-year habits workbook. So it's taking a look at for Q4, how do you maximize Q4 both personally and professionally? And the workbook, I shouldn't say workbook because that sounds big and hard and complicated.

It's three pages. It will take you 15 minutes and really make an impactful difference. We're all about, at least for me and I think in general, the speakers at the summit are all about impact in an effective way in a reasonable amount of time.

[Uncle Marv]
All right. I should also mention that when you look at the list of speakers, they're all women. And so, of course, my male friends are going to be like, so is this only for women or can men show up?

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
So probably we should have asked Therese this question before we recorded. But my general bias is that, of course, you should show up, right? Yes, this was primarily designed to target female business owners.

But also, if you'd like to better understand your female counterparts, please sign up. And a lot of the material, like Cat's material, I know for sure, my material, I know for sure, is absolutely translatable male or female. And I think it's really important to be getting great information to all people.

So I'm certainly happy to put forward my stuff to men and women. Right.

[Uncle Marv]
So here's how I look at it. So the premise of the summit talks about the fact is, do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you're at the point where you need a little nudge to change some things?

And this is one of the things where everybody needs a little nudge sometimes. So the question is, where do you begin? And so listening to some of these great ladies here will help you with figuring out, like you said, what's next?

What do I need to do?

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
And, you know, I think it's actually really reasonable for us to start making it a regular process of assessing where am I at? Is it close to where I want to be? Or are there some changes that I want to make?

And I encourage that you ask yourself that question on a regular basis. It gives you so much more freedom when you are tapped into what's really happening and then choosing what you want to do next.

[Uncle Marv]
Yes. Yes.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]

[Uncle Marv]
All right. So quick introduction about the summit. Again, it's going all next week, the 21st through the 22nd.

We'll have a link for you to go and sign up. And you will get daily emails with the links to new interviews. These are all Zoom sessions, by the way.

This isn't something where you're just going to, you know, go into a presentation room and sit. So this is a Zoom meeting.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]

[Uncle Marv]
And you're going to have daily live integrations and implementation calls.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]

[Uncle Marv]
Let's see here. I'm just checking for anything else to make sure.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Very helpful. But again, like that emphasis on helpful, effective, helpful information that's actually effective that you can implement in a reasonable amount of time, I would say would be the sort of foundational pieces to the summit.

[Uncle Marv]
Okay. There you have it, folks. The Business Reinvention Summit.

And go and check out my good friend, Dr. Carey.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Thank you, Mark. You're so awesome.

[Uncle Marv]
Thanks for hanging out. And we'll catch up with you a little bit later.

[Dr. Carrie Johansson]
Okay. Bye. Bye.

Dr. Carrie Johansson Profile Photo

Dr. Carrie Johansson

Psychologist, Speaker and Author

Fondly known as The Sensible Psychologist, Dr. Carrie teaches people how to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life with more ease and joy. This life thing can be fabulous, even when it isn't perfect (and it's almost never perfect).