Tim Golden, Founder, Compliance Scorecard
For over two decades, I’ve dedicated myself to helping Managed Service Providers (MSPs) turn compliance from a daunting challenge into a powerful strategic advantage. As the founder of Compliance Scorecard, my mission is to empower businesses with the tools and knowledge they need to operate securely, manage risks effectively, and grow with confidence.
In 2024, I was honored to receive the CompTIA Cybersecurity Leadership Award—a testament to my unwavering commitment to safeguarding businesses in today’s complex digital landscape. My journey as an award-winning speaker has taken me to conferences, webinars, and executive roundtables across the industry, where I share actionable insights on governance, risk management, and cybersecurity.
As a dedicated advocate for MSPs and cybersecurity and an industry speaker, I’m passionate about demystifying complex topics and delivering practical, actionable advice. My approach to speaking on compliance, risk management, and cybersecurity is down-to-earth and accessible, ensuring that every audience member—whether an experienced MSP or someone new to the field—leaves with clear steps to enhance their business and security posture.
Uncle Marv welcomes the team from Compliance Scorecard to discuss the latest developments in compliance and security for MSPs. The conversation covers recent changes at Compliance Scorecard, the importance of cybersecurity frameworks, and exciting new features in their upcoming software …
Uncle Marv interviews Tim Golden, the co-founder of Compliance Scorecard, at the PAX 8 Beyond conference. They discuss the latest version 5.0 release of Compliance Scorecard, which introduces new compliance-based features like a risk register, plan of actions and milestones …